Thursday, October 7, 2010

Best [non traditional ]Music Videos From The Bahamas

The Roots & Culture Blog has not been as active as it should be for a while. However we plan to change all that immediately. Remember to send us your 242 music news @ or invite us to cover your event. Call Nadine @ 465-8692.

Over the past couple of days some disturbing events have transpired, namely the death of eight treasured people on Tuesday in that devastating plane crash and then a few days after another crash almost took the life of four others. Thankfully, though they were hurt, they are still alive. The Roots & Culture Family sends condolences to all the victims in both crashes.

Now on to more pleasant things. Roots & Culture will be presenting @ the Marlin's Award coming up this month. Look out for the interview that Roots & Culture did with the organizers of this important music award show...

Roots & Culture is filming new episodes, with some of the newest 242 joints... check them out right here on the RnC Blog...

Syntist feat. Tada


Here are some that have been out for a minute, but still blazing with the hotness...

Rapp Quelle

The Roots & Culture Anthem [serious bizness ]


Bobo Ken & Rebekka







Bahama Boyz

Mr J

David Hannah

Apollo Kre-ed

Watch these and more on Roots & Culture... Tempo :SAturdays channel 381 & Cable 12 Fridays 10:30pm & Saturdays 7:30pm...